We had a great Christmas! We went to Brad's parent's house early in the day on Christmas Eve and Brad took the kids sledding with his brothers and sister and some of his sisters friends, who have never seen snow before. Then Santa came to grandma and grandpa Jons' house. The kids loved that! Amy's friends from Uganda don't have or believe in Santa so he showed up for them but the kids benefited from that lol :) In these pictures, the kids just got done sledding,
After being at grandma Jons' house all day, we went to my mom and dads house for dinner and for a few games. My mom had the grand kids read the story of Jesus and then they read a story from President Monson... I can't remember the name of it... I will fill it in later ;)
When we got home, I let the kids open one present. It was of course, pajamas. That is what it always is and always will be lol. They went to bed so tired. We woke up Christmas morning at 7:50 a.m.. The kids were so excited for what they got. It was a good Christmas! We went to Grandma Jons's house for breakfast and for us to open our present from them. It was a great day. Both days were great. It was nice to be around family.
These are just a few pictures that are cute...
I think this is funny every time I look at this picture! Silly elf.
Sydnee's church teacher made her class these and I thought they were freaking cute! :)
Paige wrapped herself in wrapping paper and was laughing so hard!!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Christmas time!
Well this Christmas is so much different than last Christmas and I am so glad it is!! This Christmas we are keeping things simple and minimal. We are just thankful we can all be together. No hospital stays or low counts to worry about. So so thankful!
We went to the ward Christmas party and they got to see Santa. Paige was so excited!! She wasn't scared at all!! She was trying to crowd in front of people to get up to Santa! She kept pointing at her Santa hair things in her hair and then pointing at Santa on stage and saying "HO, HO, HO!" It was soooo dang cute! I didn't get a picture of Carson on Santa's lap because I didn't know he got up there that fast, I think he crowded and so I was caught off guard. I really need to get my nice camera out so that the pictures I take aren't so blury!! Sometimes my phone doesn't cut it!
The bottom picture is the primary singing Christmas songs. All my kids are up there, including Paige, you can hardly see her. She kept moving and my battery was almost dead.. Darn it. Still a bunch of cute kids though!
We went to the ward Christmas party and they got to see Santa. Paige was so excited!! She wasn't scared at all!! She was trying to crowd in front of people to get up to Santa! She kept pointing at her Santa hair things in her hair and then pointing at Santa on stage and saying "HO, HO, HO!" It was soooo dang cute! I didn't get a picture of Carson on Santa's lap because I didn't know he got up there that fast, I think he crowded and so I was caught off guard. I really need to get my nice camera out so that the pictures I take aren't so blury!! Sometimes my phone doesn't cut it!
The bottom picture is the primary singing Christmas songs. All my kids are up there, including Paige, you can hardly see her. She kept moving and my battery was almost dead.. Darn it. Still a bunch of cute kids though!
We finally got 2 pony tails in Paige's hair!! Wahoo!! She kept feeling her hair because it felt weird.
Paige and I were downstairs and of course we were watching DORA, while watching Dora, I fell asleep. When I woke up like 20 minutes later this is what Paige was doing..
I am pretty sure, Paige is Dora's # 1 fan!! Notice the table and chairs are also Dora! She's a cutie!
Paige and I were downstairs and of course we were watching DORA, while watching Dora, I fell asleep. When I woke up like 20 minutes later this is what Paige was doing..
I am pretty sure, Paige is Dora's # 1 fan!! Notice the table and chairs are also Dora! She's a cutie!
Catching up!
It's been a long time since I have made a post so I am long over due! I have had such a busy summer and fall. SO this summer we had a birthday party for Paige, just to tell everyone thank you for all the help and support they gave us during Paiges chemo treatments and also to celebrate that she made it through her cancer. We are so glad that she is still cancer free.
After Paige's scan in July, we stayed the night at Amy's (Brad's sister) and went to Lagoon the next day! It was so much fun! I forgot my phone and camera in the truck, so I didn't get ANY pictures of the kids on rides! Our kids had a blast though!! Paige is a little dare devil! She didn't get scared on any of the rides. We went on July 3rd and we thought there was going to be sooo many people and that the lines would be terribly long but they weren't! There wasn't even a wait in line. The parking lot wasn't even full when we left there. It was a super HOT day and it was right before Independence day and so I think most people thought it was going to be packed and I think people went away for vacation and I also think people were probably getting things ready for parades the next day. They told us that it is usually pretty crowded that day. So we really lucked out!
Jennifer my sister also came this summer from Texas. It is always so fun when she comes, I wished she lived closer. She stayed at her in-laws the first couple nights they were in Idaho. Her in-laws live in I.F soone of the days I went up there with my kids and we met her and we did some school shopping and had lunch. We did this the year before so I told her we need to make a tradition out of it lol.. Anyways, while she was here we went on a lot of hikes. It was sooooo HOT those days we went hiking. We went with my dad and he took us. One of the days it was just me, Jennifer, Bryan and my dad. That was a really pretty hike and it was a lot of miles and it was pretty steep but it was worth it! Bryan said it wasn't that bad of a hike, apparently they hike like that everyday in the fall when they are hunting!! So she spent about 2 weeks with us. While she was here, she got to go to our Smith family reunion. I am so glad she did! She hasn't been to one since she moved to Texas. Anyways we always enjoy when she come. I love her little girls, they are easy going and they are so good!!
I started taking care of Brad's grandma right after Jennifer left. Then the following week school was starting. I took care of his grandma for about 2 1/2 months. During that time was Sydnee and Carson's soccer and Matt's wedding (Brads brother) and another scan of Paige's. Brad's grandma was such a neat lady. She was a great person!

He was such a good guy and I miss him! He had
asked Brad, earlier that day to help him with the cabinets he was
working on, Brad wasn't able to, he feels bad that he was too busy to
help my grandpa one last time. We were all there by his bed side when
he left this earth. ...It was a really good viewing and funeral and I am
glad we was able to be there. He was a great man and was loved by so
many people!

Halloween time!!
I was so glad that we got to take Paige out to go trick or treating this year! She also got to dress up for her pre school class! She had so much fun! Carson was Spider- mam, Sydnee was a unicorn and Paige was Minnie mouse and repunzel. Carson's original plans was that he was going to be Batman but he saw Spider man in my parent's Halloween costumes and had to wear it. The outfit use to be Dylan's! It's old! lol The Unicorn that Syd wore use to be Becci's, so it's old as well!! lol It was a really fun Halloween this year! I went trick or treating with Carson's best friends mom! (they are twins) It was just a lot of fun!! ( for some reason I don't have any pictures of Paige in her Halloween costume). The bottom picture of Paige is when we were with grandma B. We hung out at grandma Jon's. We had fun! :)
After Grandma "b" left Connies hosue, she got really sick and ended up in the hospital and then eventually an assisted living. She wasn't there very long and passed away. Her funeral was the same week that Amy got married. It was a busy week!! (AGAIN) It was also the same week as Thanksgiving. There was a lot that week. David (Brad's other brother) Had a baby the same time Amy got married. It was a great day!!
After Paige's scan in July, we stayed the night at Amy's (Brad's sister) and went to Lagoon the next day! It was so much fun! I forgot my phone and camera in the truck, so I didn't get ANY pictures of the kids on rides! Our kids had a blast though!! Paige is a little dare devil! She didn't get scared on any of the rides. We went on July 3rd and we thought there was going to be sooo many people and that the lines would be terribly long but they weren't! There wasn't even a wait in line. The parking lot wasn't even full when we left there. It was a super HOT day and it was right before Independence day and so I think most people thought it was going to be packed and I think people went away for vacation and I also think people were probably getting things ready for parades the next day. They told us that it is usually pretty crowded that day. So we really lucked out!
Jennifer my sister also came this summer from Texas. It is always so fun when she comes, I wished she lived closer. She stayed at her in-laws the first couple nights they were in Idaho. Her in-laws live in I.F soone of the days I went up there with my kids and we met her and we did some school shopping and had lunch. We did this the year before so I told her we need to make a tradition out of it lol.. Anyways, while she was here we went on a lot of hikes. It was sooooo HOT those days we went hiking. We went with my dad and he took us. One of the days it was just me, Jennifer, Bryan and my dad. That was a really pretty hike and it was a lot of miles and it was pretty steep but it was worth it! Bryan said it wasn't that bad of a hike, apparently they hike like that everyday in the fall when they are hunting!! So she spent about 2 weeks with us. While she was here, she got to go to our Smith family reunion. I am so glad she did! She hasn't been to one since she moved to Texas. Anyways we always enjoy when she come. I love her little girls, they are easy going and they are so good!!
I started taking care of Brad's grandma right after Jennifer left. Then the following week school was starting. I took care of his grandma for about 2 1/2 months. During that time was Sydnee and Carson's soccer and Matt's wedding (Brads brother) and another scan of Paige's. Brad's grandma was such a neat lady. She was a great person!

Matt got married September 28, 2012, they had a reception in Soda
afterwards that my grandparents went to... (they were really good
friends with Matt's wife's parents) My grandparents also went to the
reception in Arimo, the next day. After they left the reception, my
grandpa went home and changed and drove out to Robin to work on some
cabinets and on the way home, he was in a bad roll over accident and
life flight flew him to the hospital. It was a really bad accident. He
was in ICU for 6 days and went to surgery and during surgery had a
massive stoke. It was a rough week. (That was also the same week as
Paige's scans.)

Halloween time!!
I was so glad that we got to take Paige out to go trick or treating this year! She also got to dress up for her pre school class! She had so much fun! Carson was Spider- mam, Sydnee was a unicorn and Paige was Minnie mouse and repunzel. Carson's original plans was that he was going to be Batman but he saw Spider man in my parent's Halloween costumes and had to wear it. The outfit use to be Dylan's! It's old! lol The Unicorn that Syd wore use to be Becci's, so it's old as well!! lol It was a really fun Halloween this year! I went trick or treating with Carson's best friends mom! (they are twins) It was just a lot of fun!! ( for some reason I don't have any pictures of Paige in her Halloween costume). The bottom picture of Paige is when we were with grandma B. We hung out at grandma Jon's. We had fun! :)
After Grandma "b" left Connies hosue, she got really sick and ended up in the hospital and then eventually an assisted living. She wasn't there very long and passed away. Her funeral was the same week that Amy got married. It was a busy week!! (AGAIN) It was also the same week as Thanksgiving. There was a lot that week. David (Brad's other brother) Had a baby the same time Amy got married. It was a great day!!
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