On January 3rd Paige had her MRI, on the 4th she had her PET

After we got the exciting news, we decided to stop at temple square. It was the perfect day to see Jesus! Brad and I were both pretty emotional as our hearts were so full! We knew that it was through the power of prayer and priesthood blessings that helped Paige get through this rough road. I remember thinking in the beginning, "I just want Paige to get through the radiation!" She got through that so good! Most kids have to have a feeding tube when they are getting radiation in the head area and she didn't. Her doctor said that when they start off with radiation so early into the chemo, they usually struggle through the rest of the chemo with super low counts, fevers, etc... She proved that wrong. I am so glad we were blessed with her oncologist and with her radiologist. They are the BEST!
When we got back from salt Lake, all my wonderful friends had decorated the whole town and my house! Paige threw her arms up all excited when she saw the front of our house all decorated so cute with Princess balloons and signs! They decorated inside and out. I love those girls!! They have been an amazing support system to me! I don't know what I would do without them!! I love them sooo much!
That same day on Thursday, my little brother also got his mission call, it was a great day full of good news!!
Monday the 9th, we went back down to get her port taken out. That night she slept awesome!! That was a blessing too!! She got her port out and her teeth all silver capped in the back on the right side. They thought they would be capping all of the back teeth but only ended up capping the right side. She was in so much pain for a few days, she is better now.. She just couldn't bath for a week.
We go back down on the 31st to check her eyes and teeth, just to make sure they are doing good.
Thanks everyone for all the prayers and fastings that were given out to our family. We appreciate our friends and family and this town and our church for all the support!! We love each and every one of you!
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